EXPANDEO June 12-13th 2024

Organized by our partners, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), EXPANDEO 2024 marked a triple celebration: the 5th edition of the event, the 10th edition of the EARSC Awards, and the 35th anniversary of EARSC.

During the second day of EXPANDEO 2024, Geosystems Hellas (GSH) made a significant contribution by participating in the lightning sessions to showcase the OCEANIDS Project. With a focus on creating user-driven tools for Climate-Informed Maritime Spatial Planning (CI-MSP) and integrated seascape management, the OCEANIDS Project aims to build a resilient and inclusive Blue Economy in coastal regions by integrating data services into a single-access platform.

As the project coordinator, GSH took the lead in the presentation, emphasizing the primary objectives of the OCEANIDS Project and the methodologies it employs. Additionally, GSH, serving as one of the technical partners, presented the initial steps and architecture of the Oceanids Decision Support Platform (O-DSP), a pivotal outcome of the project. This participation underscores GSH’s commitment to advancing solutions for sustainable marine resource management and highlights the collaborative efforts within the remote sensing community to address pressing environmental issues.

EXPANDEO 2024 has been a resounding success, bringing together numerous attendees from across the globe, both in-person in Brussels and online. With a diverse array of presentations given across various sessions, including significant contributions from industry leaders and innovators, the event has once again demonstrated the importance of global collaboration in advancing our understanding of remote sensing and Earth observation.

By fostering an environment of open dialogue and knowledge exchange, EXPANDEO 2024 underscored the critical role of innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity in driving the industry forward. The event provided a unique platform for networking, sharing insights, and exploring new opportunities, setting the stage for continued growth and success in the years to come.

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